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Internship in International Business Development for Architecture


Benötigter Abschluss :
Pas de diplôme requis
Art des Angebots :
Stage étudiant
Stage Hors Cursus
Ort des Angebots :
5 passage de l'atlas, 75019 paris, France
Branche :
Inneneinrichtung / Mobiliar
Stiftung / Kulturinstitution
Internationale Organisation
Berufsfeld :
Développement commercial
Dauer :
6 mois
Anfangsdatum :
Bewerbungsschluss :
Benötigte Sprachkenntnissse :
Région Ile de France

Wir sind eine junge europäische Firma mit Büros in Paris und Berlin. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, Architekturbüros für ihre Akquise im Ausland durch emblematische Ausschreibungen zu unterstützen: International Market Management.

Who are we?

We, Global Archi (, are a young European company with headquarters both in Paris and Berlin. Our expertise is to develop the activity of architecture practices abroad through international tenders.

What are we offering you?

•The opportunity to learn a lot with responsibility and autonomy

• A small, ambitious and international team that will welcome you with open arms and support your personal development

• The discovery of the world of construction and its political spheres

• Through good performance, our objective is to hire

Mandatory internships are compensated with 554.4 € per month + your Navigo-Pass for public transportation in Paris + europenan mobile phone subscription. Eventually also with a bonus at the end of the internship, based on personal commitment and results.

What are your missions?

• Identifying suitable high-quality construction projects, such as Universities, Hospitals, Theaters, etc.

• Market analyze and elaboration of strategies

• Development of an international network of high-level partners

• Putting together and managing teams of architects, construction companies, technical planners, etc.

• Preparing for project applications including administrative documents, descriptions and graphic presentations (InDesign)

• Translating, writing and editing of tender documents

Who are you?

You are in your last year of studies and looking for a 6-month internship and:

• ideally completing a diploma for example in the field of International Business/Management, Project Management, Marketing, Communication, Construction Management, Arts/Graphic Arts, or other

• speak French or German with mother-tongue level, and solid English. Other languages can be an additional advantage (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, Turkish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese…)comfortable with responsibilities and team work, in a thorough, result-oriented and structured way

• interested in export, architecture, design, art and/or construction

• enthusiastic, creative and communicative

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